Terms & Conditions
Communication concerning program transfers, program bookings, functions, invoices, and complaints must be put in writing to Zing Activ Pty Ltd Head Office.
Zing Activ Pty Ltd will endeavour to accommodate all timetabling requests within reason. Timetabling requests will be considered, but not guaranteed. Timetables will be distributed in the term prior to the commencement of a selected program.
Zing Activ Pty Ltd will invoice schools in accordance with the cost approved on the signed Booking Agreement.
Schools are invoiced on a per student per term basis, not a per student per week basis. Should a school wish to participate in an 8 or 9 week program only, invoices are still for a 10 week program (our staff are full time, hence the need to cover costs for a full term).
Schools will be invoiced via email after their first lesson of the term, with total payment to be finalised by the last lesson of the same term. Delays in making payment in full within this time-frame may result in a late payment fee of 1% per day of total invoice amount.
Student numbers will be confirmed upon commencement of the selected program and will be invoiced accordingly. If there is a significant difference between the student numbers indicated on the Booking Agreement and the actual number of participants, the service fee may increase.
Should a participant be absent from the lesson(s), a refund or credit will not be applied.
There are no refunds once an agreement has been signed by a school. Lesson credit or alternative lessons (such as online) will be offered to the school.
Should a school cancel their place in their selected program(s) after signing the Booking Agreement, a per program cancellation fee of 30% of total invoice + GST may be issued at the discretion of Zing Activ Pty Ltd. This fee covers loss of business where another school’s booking in the schedules has been jeopardised.
In the rare instance that Zing Activ Pty Ltd has to cancel lessons due to extreme unforeseen circumstances, replacement lesson(s) will be organised for a suitable day and time between the school and Zing Activ Pty Ltd State Managers. If the replacement lesson(s) cannot be scheduled, alternative arrangements will be made.
If the assigned program falls on a day that the school has organised another event (mass, excursion or alike), a make up lesson cannot be guaranteed for another day, nor can a reduced invoice / refund be applied. We do ask schools to be mindful that our schedules and staff are fully booked all year round and we cannot guarantee a make up lesson due to a clash with a school event.
All lesson plans and curriculum documentation remain the property of Zing Activ Pty Ltd and must not be copied, distributed or likewise without prior written consent from the Company Directors.
If you are using a credit card to pay an invoice, you may incur a surcharge.
Changes to Terms & Conditions can only be made in writing and with the prior consent of Zing Activ Pty Ltd.
Function Terms & Conditions
(a) All function events are invoiced prior to the event and invoices must be settled by the client one week prior to the event date.
(b) All function fees are to be settled with Zing Activ Head Office via cheque or direct debit and not in the form of a cheque presented to Zing Activ staff on the day of the event.
(c) Should a client wish to a cancel a function event, a minimum of 48hrs notice is required for the client to receive their function fees refunded in full.
(d) In the rare instance that Zing Activ Pty Ltd has to cancel a function event, we will endeavour to provide up to 1 weeks notice and all client fees will be refunded in full.
(e) If you are using a credit card to pay an invoice, you may incur a surcharge.
(f) All Terms & Conditions above are final and supersede all other Terms & Conditions as set out by schools. Changes to Terms & Conditions can only be made in writing and with the prior consent of Zing Activ Pty Ltd.
Terms & Conditions - Holiday Program
I understand that while Zing Activ will make reasonable efforts to speak with parents or guardians in the event of accident or sudden illness, there may be times when this is not possible or not successful. In these circumstances, I/ We authorise the Zing Activ to obtain medical advice, and authorise medical treatment and/or ambulance for the student including administering anaesthetics and performing operations, if a responsible member of staff on medical advice considers it necessary for the health and wellbeing of the student.
I give consent for my child to participate in the selected program and agree to delegate my authority to the staff involved. I realise precautions are taken to eliminate any injuries or hazards and that whilst competent supervision will be present, any physical activity has inherent risks involved and I give informed permission for my child to participate. I give permission for Zing Activ to photograph my child/children for Promotional and Social Media purposes. I am aware that my child/children information and details are kept confidential.